Prenatal Chiropractic Can Help With:

  • Low Back and Hip Pain

  • Pubic Symphysis Pain

  • Round Ligament Tension

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Rib Pain

  • Muscle Tension

  • Optimal Alignment of Pelvis

  • Providing Optimal Space for Baby

Gentle and Intuitive Prenatal Chiropractic Care at Vida

Pregnancy is a time of profound changes in our bodies. In just 10 months we grow an entire human! The demands of growing a human can be challenging on our bodies, but the good news is that prenatal chiropractic care is gentle and effective at helping manage those pregnancy-related aches and pains.

Most people are surprised when they realize how gentle and helpful prenatal chiropractic care is.

After delivery, postnatal chiropractic supports your body’s recovery and aids in safely regaining core strength and managing diastasis recti.

Dr. Brittany is Webster trained, a gentle chiropractic assessment and technique developed specifically for pregnant people. She has additional training in perinatal and pediatric chiropractic care from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and Gaia Institute.

Dr. Brittany uses a combination of gentle adjusting, soft-tissue work, rehab exercises and lifestyle modifications to help you have a pain-free and comfortable pregnancy.